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PLPeter Laeviv
Peter Laeviv
See profile

“Sometimes, in order to follow our moral compass and/or our heart, we have to make unpopular decisions or stand up for what we believe in. It can be difficult and even frightening to go against the grain, whether it's a personal disagreement with a friend, partner, or family member or a professional decision that affects coworkers and colleagues.” ― Tabatha Coffey Thank you Aly for the trust and the complete freedom with your moral compass design! More project like this please. Done at the beautiful @southcitymarket -Finest black ink in London- Books open for London Inquiries: . . . . . #tattoodo #singleneedle #londontattooartist #tattooart #blackandgreytattoo #microrealism #finelinetattoo #fineline #blackworkers #ink #tattooing #tattooartist #londontattoo #tattoo #linework #iblackwork #laeviv #blackandgrey #singleneedletattoo #microtattoo #tatuaje #inkstinctsubmission #geometry #geometrictattoo #geometrytattoo #sacredgeometry #buddhatattoo #compasstattoo #moralcompass #meditation . @theartoftattoos @tiny.tatts @inkedmag @blackworkers_tattoo @small.tattoos @tattooselection @pequenostatuajes @tatuajespequenos @tatuages_at_citations @artistasdeltatuaje @blacktattooing @blackworkers @tattoodo @_winkt

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