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“#taurus” Tattoos

Fine-line Taurus constellation piece on the forearm, done in black ink.
Done at B36 Tattoo on Melrose Ave. In Los Angeles!Taurus tattoo #taurus#TaurusTaurus TaurusTaurusTaurus TaurusTaurusTaurus
#totoro #totorotattoo #totorofamily #totorofamilytattoo #forearmtattoo #mentattoo #dot #dots #dotwork #dottattoo #dotworkers #stipple #stippletattoo #petitspoints #lespetitspointsdefanny #blackandgreytattoo #blackandwhitetattoo #tattoolausanne Illustrative watercolor tattoo of a galaxy with Taurus horoscope sign, located in New York, US.A black and gray, dotwork tattoo featuring an illustrative depiction of a Taurus woman surrounded by stars. Located in New York, US.Taurus #taurusTaurus#Taurus Taurus #taurus #sign #tattoo #simple TaurusTaurusTaurusTaurusTaurusTaurus.