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“#zipper” Tattoos

#zipper #handZipper, anatomicZipper over scarBackZipperOPDateScarZip tattoo #tattoo #zipper #legtattoo #scars Crazy #eye #3D #clock #zipper #chesttattoo Tattoo by Matt Pardo #MattPardo #MickeyMousetattoo #MickeyMouse #Disney #mouse #animal #cartoon #surreal #strange #blackandgrey #illustrative #gimp #leather #bdsm #zipper #maskThe start of a horror-themed leg piece. Tattoo by Levi Barnett. #realism #blackandgrey #LeviBarnett #horror #zipperMemory to the night that changed my life. The terrorist attack at the Bataclan theatre Paris. This is a costumized imaged of the latest Eagles of Death Metal album " Zipper Down". #eodm #zipperdown #joshhomme #jessehughes #bataclan #lfp #eaglesofdeathmetal #biceptattoo #metalchick #metal #paris #armpiece #boobs #zipperdowneaglesofdeathmetal #QOTSA #peaceloveandheavymetal "Purple Ribbon" that represent a brain condtion that I have called "Chiari Malformation". Had to have an Open Decompression Brain Surgery for this condition, along w/ another brain surgery not long after, for "Pseudotumor Crebri"... And inside the ribbon is a "ZIPPER", representing "ZIPPERHEAD". In which I've earn that name! Then, I had decided to change things up a bit w/ zipperhead tattoos by adding a couple "feathers" a feather can represent MANY things, as one being that I've overcame MANY obsticals, w/ MANY medical aliments...many years of suffering, more than a handful of all types of Surgeries. But not just overcoming the "PHYSICAL" part, but also the "mental", "emotional" and even the "spiritual" aspect as well. Accepting that I am no longer the person I was 8-10 years ago. Still learning new things for the person I am now.
Zipper faceZipper rose#Zipper scar decorationSelfmade zipper under scar#zipper #gamer #comic #hamburg #tintenkunstHealed and new #sewing #safetypin #zipper #rosetattoo #zippertattoo #zipper #purpleroses #purpletattoo #spinetattoo #colortattoo Baby ervilha #RobertoEuan #gringo #fullcolor #colorida #ervilha #peas #flor #flower #leaf #folha #zipperFlowers coming out of my leg with the bottom of bouquet turned into a zipper. The names of my 4 older children are in ribbons above bouquet. Havent been able to afford to add my other 2 kids yet. Sorry it's a bad picture, I made it on Microsoft paint, but this is another #dreamtattoo to raise #awareness for #domesticabuse or #domesticviolence she has no eyes because she has been blinded by love,also because the eyes are what I think a lot of people are identified by, he took that from me, he took my sense of self,her mouth is zipped shut because I was afraid of saying anything that would upset him, in fear that I would be punished as a result. This is a very #meaningful tattoo design to me. I'd like to add a torn #heart or something but,I'm not quite sure. If you or anyone is going through an abusive relationship, please let them know they're not alone,they can leave,hard as it may be,abusive things can get better. #hope #zipper #noeyes #seenoevilhearnoevilspeaknoevil