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PAPedro Alves
Pedro Alves
This is a loctopus! I would have said octolocto but a person that is vary special to me sounds Cliché but this girl wrapred her tentacles around me, and she as dub it so. She love’s these blue blooded krakens and this is a piece ( yes a sticker flash piece) that she would like to get on her forearm, shes open to any artistic perspective. Back and white colors are what hold her eye i beileve her words were “ its Aesthetically Pleasing” She has skin that is almost as white as the background, no joke. But like i said shes open to bold and bright color. Im hoping if can get some cool conceptions for this soon to be a mesmerizing piece. And maybe we can bounce brains off one another. Thank you. TigerFine line tattoo by Alessandro aka The Hanged #TheHanged #AlessandroJako #finelinetattoo #detailedtattoo #illustrative #illustration #lineworkBart Simpson I feel like I'm dead by Magic Rosa (via IG-themagicrosa) #ignorantstyle #simple #lines #text #themagicrosaSean Williams shows how life is the biggest nightmare of all (IG—seanfromtexas). #blackwork #ignorant #nihilist #SeanWilliams #SeanfromTexas
Octopus Tattoo #octopus #octopustattoo #tentacles #lineworktattoo Tattoo by Tamara Santibanez #TamaraSantibanez #illustrativetattoos #illustative #mask #portrait #lady #ladyhead #script #skeleton #skull #death #ChicanoTattoo by Cristian Casas #CristianCasas #tattoodoambassador #neotraditional #darkart #skull #death #tears #lady #portrait #ladyhead #face #whiteink #broken #rope #shapes #surreal#madmamont #lips #girl #forrest #woman #portait #moon #dark #horror #blackandgrey #Black #realism #realistic #color #ghost #ghostBC #rock #metal #JuniorInked #realismo #ElectricInk #brasil #portuguesDaria as Wednesday Addams, by Rachel Baldwin. (via IG—rachelbaldwintattoo) #Daria #MTVCartoons #MTV #Nostalgia