Legend Ink Kauai • Tattoo Studio • Tattoodo

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Legend Ink Kauai

Kapaa, Hawaii

About the Studio

Donna Adelita has added her special touch to an amazing interior purpose built for your comfort before, during and after your tattoo sessions. Enjoy the Asian Antiques and other Cultural Furnishings that set the stage for world class tattooing. Legend Ink aims to be the absolute best when it comes to the creative process and the environment needed for legendary tattoo images.

Consult with the Studio
Walk-ins Welcome
Studio location
4504 Kukui Street, Unit 7, Kapaa, Hawaii

Reviews 1/1

PBPeter Bogdanov
The best place for Hawaiian memories on the island.


LGBTQ Friendly


Walk-ins Welcome


Consult with the Studio


LILegend Ink Kauai
Legend Ink Kauai