R U Tattooed? • Tattoo Studio • Tattoodo

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R U Tattooed?

Colorado Springs, CO

About the Studio

Chicago, Baby Tim, Inkie, James, Daniel and Anna are all current independent contracting artisits for R U Tattooed?

Consult with the Studio
Walk-ins Welcome
Studio location
5352 Montebello Ln, Colorado Springs, CO

Reviews 3/6

I brought in an intricate tribal style Gryphon's head crest. I had been using this logo as a watermark on all of the artwork I published. Granted, I wasn't a professional artist, but this piece was mine and mine alone. I spent the better part of a year perfecting it. Finally, about ten years ago, I got refined it enough to want it on my left ankle. I dont remember who tattooed me (an older gentleman,) but the results were. . . less sharp than I had hoped for. He took a photo of the original piece from which they worked, and when i expressed concearn, swore they wouldnt share it, and I went on my way. Three years ago, I saw MY TATTOO on a man's arm! I was livid! Every line was the same, down to the tongue of the bird, only he had the ear changed to an idiotic pac sun logo. His was fresh, and he told me that a shop in Cali had it on offer in a book of ideas! I have never been more incensed. My work, my LOGO was stolen and distributed not only without permission, but AGAINST MY EXPRESSED REQUEST! I desperately want to get another tattoo, but am unwilling with such blatant plagurism in the industry.
BDBrandon Dale
Almost finished my sleeve. Can’t wait to finish it!! Chicago does amazing, thoughtful work.
These guys rock


LGBTQ Friendly


Walk-ins Welcome


Consult with the Studio


RUR U Tattooed?
R U Tattooed?